Peer Reviewer Application
Resources for College Libraries (RCL), the Choice/ACRL bibliography of essential titles for undergraduate teaching and research, seeks experienced academic librarians and faculty to serve as peer reviewers. 

RCL reviewers are tasked with assessing the subject collection comprehensively, providing recommendations for editorial improvement and constructive feedback on how well the core title list supports the college curriculum. This is a one-time professional service opportunity. 

We are committed to pursuing equity and inclusion and seek reviewers with diverse backgrounds and new perspectives to the RCL work, along with reviewers who can critically assess the RCL subject collections with attention to the diversity of scholarly resources.

To apply, complete the form below with as much information as possible. 

Please note: While applications are accepted on a rolling basis, the RCL peer review occurs from June - August. If you have additional questions, contact the RCL Project Editor at 

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First name *
Last name *
Email Address *
Institutional Affiliation *
What type of organization best describes your work setting? *
Please mark the general disciplinary subject areas that you are interested in reviewing. Check all that apply. *
Please mark the RCL subject areas (for four-year undergraduate programs) that you are interested in reviewing. Check all that apply.
Please mark the RCL Career Resources subject areas (for two-year and community college programs) that you are interested in reviewing. Check all that apply.
Professional URL (e.g. LinkedIn profile, CV, Libguide profile, ORCID profile, etc.)
Please describe your experience with collection development (acquisitions, assessment, diversity audits, weeding, etc.), subject liaison services, and/or teaching. 
Please describe your experience selecting or evaluating scholarly resources with attention to diversity, equity, and/or inclusion.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your background or experience that may be relevant to your RCL peer reviewer application? 
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