Selection of SEC Papers for B.Sc. Bio Science General Students.
Selection of Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) for B. Sc. Pure General SEM 3 students

Please read carefully before filling up the form:

In case of B.Sc. General program, a student shall have to study 4 Skill Enhancement Courses strictly on 2 subjects out of the three, opted for pursuing core courses, taking exactly two courses from each subject. Such a student shall have to study the curriculum of SEC of the subject concerned as specified for the relevant semester.

Explanation: Each General subject shall have two groups (A & B) of SEC papers. One paper from Group A of each of the two Core subjects to be chosen in the third and fifth semester; one paper from Group B of each of the two core subjects to be chosen in the fourth and sixth semester.

E-Mail *
1. Email ID of the student *
2. Name of the Student
3. Student's WhatsApp No.
4. College Roll No. of the Student
5. University Roll No.
6. University Registration No.
7. Stream
8. Select exactly 2 subjects (from the list below) to be studied as SEC out of the 3 core course subjects you are studying.
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