February 27, 2021 9am-5pm Volunteer Day
6129 Bartow Rd. Lakeland FL 33812
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Name *
Are you a... *
Name of child enrolled, community business, or supporting organization *
Telephone number *
Email *
What time are you available? *
What volunteer project do you want to assist with? (Check all that apply) *
In order to have a successful day, we will need materials.  Please mark what you are able to loan or donate.  Make sure any materials you want returned have your name on them. *
Do you have any special talents or amateur or professional skills that we should consider?   *
Would you be interested in being a team leader on a project? *
Volunteers (or guardian of minor volunteers under 18 years of age) will be required to sign a waiver. *
I understand that due to safety issues, this volunteer day is for adults and teens only. *
I understand that Mi Escuela Montessori volunteers will be asked to practice social distancing and/or wearing of mask depending on volunteer station. *
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