Understanding the United Nations
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International Family Nations: United Nations
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Video about United Nations
1.Name one event that triggered the need for the creation of the United Nations.
0 points
2. Which two leaders initially worked to create the UN?
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3.Which of the following was NOT a reason for the initial formation of the UN?
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4.The Charter of the United Nations MAY BE best described as
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5. If the United Nations was created on the 24th of October, 1945, how old would it be?
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6. Where is the headquarters of the UN located?
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7. List the official languages of the UN.
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8. If a Chinese person is at a major UN conference and a speech is being made in English, and he does not speak English, how will the UN help him to understand what is being said?
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9. What condition must be fulfilled before a new country can join the UN?
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10. List any three objectives of the UN
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11. Which of these objectives do you think is the most important? Explain your answer *
12. What are the 6 principles of the UN?
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13. “Internationals disputes between members must be resolved amicably.” In your own words, explain what this statement means.
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14. What are the five main organs of the UN?
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15. How many member countries does the General Assembly have?
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16. How many representatives does a country have in the General Assembly?
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17. State three of the issues that the General Assembly deals with.
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18. What is the total number of members that make up the Security Council?
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19. Name the five permanent members of the Security Council.
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20. Explain how the temporary members are chosen to the UN Security Council.
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21. What does the International Court of Justice Do?
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22. Where is the International Court of Justice located?
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23. How many members make up the Economic and Social Council?
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24.Which two major financial organisations does the Economic and Social Council work with to deal with economic issues?
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25. Which organ of the UN is responsible for supervising and coordinating its functions?
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26. This person is the current Secretary General of the UN. What is his name?
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27. List three other agencies of the UN.
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28. Explain the function of UNICEF.
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29. How does the WHO help to prevent the spread of deadly diseases?
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30. What are the areas that UNESCO conducts programmes in?
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31. Some farmers in Uganda are having difficulties planting their crops because of drought. Which agency the UN is most suitable to assist them with this situation?
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32. Explain the function of the World Bank Group.
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33. List three benefits to St. Kitts and Nevis for being a member of the United Nations.
0 points
34. What are the most important things that you have learnt from this lesson? *
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