Electric Motor Packages - Quote Request
Motor packages from Wee Boats typically include a Torqeedo Cruise series electric outboard/pod drive, batteries, and chargers.  Depending on the application, items such as alternative propellers, fast chargers, and additional cable sets are also included.**

After you fill out this electric motor package quote request form, the Wee team will send you a quote including details about package pricing, application, availability, and shipping.  

Turnaround times for package quote requests are typically 2 to 3 days.
अपनी प्रगति को सेव करने के लिए Google में साइन इन करें. ज़्यादा जानें
ईमेल पता *
Is the email address above correct? *
Your name *
What type of boat will be powered? *
Please provide details such as hull style, displacement, length, beam, depth, average number of passengers, and brand/ model of boat.  More detail is better.
Is the boat currently powered?  If so, what type of motor? *
If yes, then please provide details of brand, model, type, and power output.
What conditions are normally expected in the area you boat? *
Please provide details such as coastal or lake, tidal currents, and winds.
What are your speed expectations? *
For example, cruising speed of 10 knots.  Top speed of 12 knots.
What are your range expectations? *
For example, typically travel less than 10 nautical miles.
What type of electric motor configuration are you considering? *
Select one or more
What Cruise electric motor are you considering? *
Select one or more
Shipping zip code *
U.S. addresses only at this time
Preferred payment type *
Select one
Questions and comments
**Due to the complexities and variability of each installation, packages may not include all items needed for a Cruise electric outboard installation.  Consultation with a local certified marine electrician is recommended.
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