Field Trip Program Application
We are so pleased that you have decided to bring your class to visit the DANA Adobe and Cultural Center. This will be a very special field trip that will enhance  your classroom history lessons, help children understand what life was like on a great Rancho in the 1850s, immersion in the life of the Chumash Culture, and create lasting memories.  Please complete the application below.
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Correo *
In preparation for your program:
*Program fees apply for every child ($10 per child). A  Purchase Order is required. Payment is due one week after the field trip. * A minimum of 20 students is required. If you have a smaller group, please contact our office to schedule a private tour. Field trips are held on Thursdays and Fridays only.

*A maximum of 60 students is allowed per field trip. One adult is required to attend for every 6 students.

*We offer two different field trip programs ( Rancho or Chumash) consisting of four interactive learning stations for students to participate in.
NOTE: You can only choose ONE program per field trip.

Field trip date confirmation will follow: an email will be sent to you confirming contact info, field trip date and a copy of the liability waiver and mandatory photo release form.

School Name *
District Name *
School Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
Zip Code *
Teacher First Name (primary contact) *
Teacher Last Name (primary contact) *
Email (primary contact) *
Phone Number (primary contact) *
Teacher Name (secondary contact)
Email (secondary contact)
Phone Number (secondary contact)
Approximate # of Students *
Date Option 1 *
Date Option 2 *
Date Option 3
 Notes or Comments:
Programs time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You are welcome to stay for lunch after your program has finished.  We also have a Gift Shop for students to visit (item prices range from $0.50 to $20).
Would you like your class to stay for lunch? *
Would you like your class to visit the gift shop? *
Class Grade Level *
Which Field Trip Program Are You Interested In? *
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