Services Catalogue
We are glad to have your interest in our program. This short survey is designed to help us understand the services and areas of expertise you can offer our startups. Your input will enable us to match you with projects that benefit most from your knowledge and skills. We appreciate your time and willingness to contribute to the growth and success of our entrepreneurs.
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Email *
Name *
Surname *
Phone Number
Country *
City *
Linkedin profile
Service *
The main service you can offer:
Service Description
Provide a brief description of what your service consists of:
Who can benefit from it?
Field *
Sector *
Estimated time (h)
For those who require a specific amount of hours.
(If applicable)
(If applicable)
Preferal treatment
In case you want to give preferable treatment to S2 Xpeed, which is not mandatory but highly valued
In case you want to attach a web or document with a link.
Can you provide other services? *
If you can provide more services than the one mentioned before, respond affirmatively
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