¡Llena este form para descargar el ebook!
Fill-up this form to download for free the "Complete Guide For Medellin International Students" and join Medellin's biggest international students organization!! By letting us your details we'll add you to our whatsapp group through which you'll meet a lot of other students, will know about all the best things to do in the city, and you'll find help when you need it :)
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Nombre completo *
Full name
Número whatsapp (no olvides indicar el código de país) *
Whatsapp number (don't forget to include the country code)
Correo electrónico (email) *
¡Entrando tu correo electrónico te mantendremos informado de todos nuestros próximos eventos! Puedes darte de baja en cualquier momento. By entering your email we'll let you know about all our future events! You can unsubscribe at any moment.
Tu universidad en Medellín *
Your university in Medellín
¿Qué día llegas a Colombia?
Which day are you arriving to Colombia
¿Hasta cuándo te quedas en Colombia?
Until when are you staying in Colombia?
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