BossBabe Collective Affiliate Sign Up
Thank you for showing an interest in Amanda and the "BossBabe Collective" program! We welcome all future affiliates! Please allow 24 hours for a response. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
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Name: *
Cell Phone: *
Email: *
Instagram Handle:
Other social accounts?
Do you know a lot about affiliate marketing? *
What is the best contact method for you? *
When is a good time to reach you? (Amanda is on Pacific Standard Time) *
What type of job/occupation do you have? *
What affiliate option did you want? (an explanation of what each one is can be found here:
IF APPROVED TO BE A BBC AFFILIATE, what handle would you like to use? (Examples: yournamebbc, yourcompanyname) - You will be contacted via email with your approval, please allow 48 hours.
Please tell Amanda more about yourself:  *
What programs have you purchased? I know this may be a long list, but it helps us know your education. Do not include any programs you didn't finish the training.  *
Any comments:
How did you hear about us? *
Who referred you? Please give as many details as you can. *
By checking YES, you agree that all materials, content, marketing, training and/or anything regarding The BossBabe Collective (BBC) is proprietary and can not be used for any other use but to promote BBC. Nor can it be distributed to any other parties. You agree to not copy or use any of BBC materials as your own without permission from Manda.BossBabe. You also agree to give BBC a 14 day notice should you not want to be an affiliate. All of the above still applies even after parting ways. *
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