CAMentrepreneurs - get involved
This form is for people who want to participate in CAMentrepreneurs and help us achieve our objectives, of which more below.

If you want to run a branch in your area , apply here

The process of setting up a local branch is described here

Please read our *Values* and *Starting a new branch* documents.  .

Our goals, purpose and values are described here

These are also  in the "Files" section of our Facebook Group here

Our official presence is here

 We have our own private social network here on Mighty Networks -

we have a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn

About the group  

This group is for entrepreneurial alumni who have started a business (and/or want to) and would like  to

a)  help students  

b) network with other alumni.

c) otherwise get involved

I wrote a manifesto for the group here -

which gives a sense of my perspective

Richard Lucas
July 2019

By filling in this form you agree to me and others involved in running CAMentrepreneurs reading it. It will not be used for illegal purposes, otherwise shared, or sold. if you want to know what data we hold just ask, and if you want  us to delete this data later we will do so on request.

Goals of CAMentrepreneurs

1 To facilitate and encourage transfer of know how and capital to and from successful businesspeople among the alumni of Cambridge University to current entrepreneurial students

2. To give current students access to role models among entrepreneurial alumni who can help transmit the message that business success is possible.

3. To celebrate the business success of alumni. and the sense that the current generation of students  appreciate and value entrepreneurial success.

4, To work with and encourage existing alumni associations to include entrepreneurship support in their activities

5. To provide a business friendly environment where students from different universities can meet and get to know each other, and develop their networks.    

6. To encourage Student Societies to support business and social entrepreneurship among their members.  
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Our Official Logo
Your Name *
Email *
Please identify yourself - are you a *
If you are academic or student which College/Part of the University (or other institution)  are you from ?
Where are you based/are you able to help?
How do you want to help ?
What do you do/have you done that gives you experience in the areas you are offering help ? Please give enough info to be useful, with relevant links.
Why are you interested in getting involved? *
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