Dark Moon Rest Rituals 2021
Hello beautiful being! Welcome!
Please read these details carefully, complete the form and confirm your participation with advance payment.


The rituals are open to beings of all genders. One form per person please.
The deadline for inscription is 90 minutes before the start of the Ritual.
You will receive the Zoom link 60 minutes before the Ritual to the email you indicate below.

Only inscriptions through this form will be confirmed (not via email, facebook or whatsapp). Thanks for your understanding. There's no automated confirmation when you complete this form, but I'll send you an email as soon as I can to confirm receipt.

If you register on the day please send me confirmation of payment at least 90 minutes before the call begins. After that I will not be available.


The Rest Ritual runs from 20h30 - 21h30 (unless otherwise indicated).
The language will be English.
The recording will be sent to you afterwards for personal use.


CHF 20 for each Ritual

Please make your payment early by ebanking (or paypal, please cover fees), and send me an email confirmation, especially if its less than 1 day before the Ritual. Thank you for making this process smooth and low on administration!

IBAN: CH87 8080 8004 1945 5013 8
Nom du compte: Georgina Peard, Chemin de Jolimont 2A, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland.
Banque: Banque Raiffeisen de Gimel, 1188 Gimel, Switzerland
Compte: 10-1472-0

Paypal: georgina.peard@gmail.com 
(please cover paypal fees and send in CHF currency)

Payment confirmation to: georgina.peard@gmail.com 


- A quiet and warm space, with no distractions
- Latest version of Zoom on your computer or phone, and good internet connection
- Phone and computer notifications and sounds off (phone off if you're on the computer)
- You may need headphones, if there are others nearby, although its better not
- A yoga or exercise mat or comfortable carpet
- Lots of cushions and blankets, some firm (bolsters and blocks if you have)
- An eyebag or scarf
- A candle and any sacred objects (optional)
- Pen & paper

You'll not need to have your camera on for this Ritual. I may invite you to put on your camera in the beginning to see others in the Rest Temple with you - this is optional.
The recording will only include me.

Please note the date and time in your calendar now, with a little reminder for you to get prepared in advance.

Really looking forward to share the next Rest Ritual with you.


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E-mail *
First Name *
Last Name *
Which Rest Ritual will you participate in? (please only tick the one(s) you are now confirming with payment) *
How did you hear about this Rest Ritual? *
Do you have any questions, requests or other information to share with me?
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