Survey Form -

As a young professional just a few years into the workforce, there is a constant, low-humming anxiety about proving yourself and finding that mythical work-life balance everyone talks about.

Sometimes you can't help but wonder - is this really what you signed up for? Or is there a better way to approach this whole "work" thing as a young professional? 

We at have the same questions as you. Our goal for this survey is to understand your work habits and present you with a work management ecosystem so good that it brings your spark back.  

Do you have a minute to simply tap on 7 answers? It will not take you more than 1 minute 49 seconds. We checked. 

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Before we start, what should we call you?  *
When you've got a fresh project or task coming your way, how do you usually approach it? 
When it comes to getting your assignments, what's your ideal way to receive the deets?
When it comes to teamwork, what's your go-to for linking up and collaborating with your work crew? 
Let's say you're dealing with something totally new or complex at work. What's your usual strategy for tackling it? 
When it comes to juggling multiple things at once, what's your typical multitasking mode? 
When it comes to staying on top of your work, what's your go-to organizational strategy? 
And one final question – you are a proud member of which Gen Z/Millennial group? 
What is an app you reaallllllllyyy like using?
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