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Coffee-house Culture and Satire
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What are the two types of the formal satire?
2 points
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Critics of coffee-houses often claimed that coffee drinking might cause ____________
2 points
nose bleed
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The coffeehouses were the centres of news culture, and news was consumed in a variety of different forms:
3 points
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Which plate is this from Hogarth's The Four Times of Day (1738)
1 point
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Joseph Addison's and Richard Steele's most popular joint periodical was ....
1 point
The Tattler
The Gazette
The Spectator
The Guardian
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"Penny university" was a term referring to __________ because they were __________________ sites of learning.
2 points
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In 1700 London had .... coffee-houses
1 point
at least 10
at least 50
almost 100
several 100
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Who were present in coffee-houses but rarely consumed it?
1 point
women proprietors
women's taylors
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The original run of The Spectator was between...
1 point
March 1711 and December 1712
April 1709 and January 1711
April 1744 and January 1746
July 1707 and December 1714
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