2024 Can Be Awesome - Together!
Your voice is our guiding star for the Self Care Genie Newsletter! We want to create moments that make your heart sing, uplift your spirits, and keep positivity alive and well in the world! To do this, we need your sparkle. This little survey is where you get to shine and share what delights and inspires you. 

There is a space at the end for you to be as specific as you want. Use it!

Let's create some positive awesomeness for 2024 together, shall we? 🌟
Which of the following wellness product categories do you currently participate in? (Select all that apply)
Red light therapy is like a hug for your skin! Have you ever tried one of the following? (Select any that you've used or tried - because I'd love to get your opinion on it!)
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Fitness and yoga keep us vibrant and alive! Do you practice or do any of these?
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Imagine going on a trip and unwinding in luxury! What kind of travel experiences make your heart soar? (Choose your dream getaways because we're partnering with companies that can get us incredible package offers!)
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Journals are portals to our inner worlds. Do you journal? Would you mind telling us the type of journal you like to use?
Jewelry tells a story. What style fits you?
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T-shirts are the unsung heroes of our closets! What do you love most in a T-shirt? (Select what catches your fancy)
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The right accessory can make or break our mood, can't it? (select what helps you feel ... special and put together)
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Modern technology can be magical helpers for your every day health! What kinds of tech are you interested in? (Choose the types you're curious about)
Any enchanting ideas or brilliant brainwaves for our newsletters or the products you'd like us to explore? We're all ears for your creative ideas!
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