Second Live Facebook Bounty Form [Week #2]
Week #2 [08/03 - 14/03]
Rewards and Rules
1. Only one Facebook account per person is allowed
2. The account must be at least 1 month old.
3. Only 100 people needed who has already joinned 10k+ crypto reealted groups plus with 5000+ friends.

1. Create at least THREE POST about our project (second live) in the Facebook Crypto-related groups. 
2. The group must be Crypto-related, Must have more than 10k people in it. Your post must be public and should remain in the group until the bounty end. Create a post using the hashtags, One image, a link to the website, and a few character text.
3. Post should include;
    a. Link: 
    b. Images: you ca use any image from any our official channel.
    c. Text: Create your own.
4. The post must remain active until the bounty campaign finishes.
5. You have to perform these above tasks one time a day. No spamming

Facebook groups with 10k-20k members: 10 Stakes/ Week
Facebook groups with 21k-40k members: 20 Stakes/ Week
Facebook groups with 41k-60k members: 30 Stakes/ Week
Facebook groups with more than 61k members: 40 Stakes/ Week

If you have joined the main facebook joining form then enter your entry number below. you can check your entry number from this spreadsheet: 
If you did not joined this form you have to join this form: 
and then you can check your entry number from above sheet and then enter your entry number.
Your entry number? *
Email address *
Your Facebook Username? *
Effacer le formulaire
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