East Hampton Schools Helpdesk Ticket Submission
Use this form to report problems and submit requests to the EHPS Technology team. After you submit you will receive ticket updates via email from "support@easthamptonct.org". You will be able to add details and respond to follow up questions via those emails as well.
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Your Name? (First and Last) *
Your Email Address? Students K-5 should have a teacher fill tickets out on their behalf. *
Your School? *
Room Number
Select the Ticket Category that most closely represents your issue. *
Quick Description of the issue.(this will be the subject of the emails) *
Please describe the issue with as much detail as you can. *
The more information you provide, the less chance we'll need to ask follow up questions. If you provide the best days and times we can reach you we will do our best to not interrupt you while you're teaching.

After you submit this form you should receive two emails. The first will be a confirmation email including all the information you filled out. The second will be the Trouble Ticket generated by the Helpdesk. This is the one that will contain the ticket number and will come from the "spiceworks" email address. That is also the one you can reply to in order to update any information.
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