Client Feedback Survey
In order to provide the best service & client experience possible, please leave some parting thoughts and feedback (including a testimonial) about your experience while working with Happy Trails Pets.
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May I contact you at this email address regarding your responses in this form?
Your full name:
Your pet's name:
How did you find out about Happy Trails Pets?
Which consultation(s) did you have?
What was your primary concern with your pet's health & well-being prior to working with Happy Trails Pets?
What other strategies or services have you tried prior to working with HTP? (diet changes, nutritionists, supplements, trainers, etc.)
What made you choose to work with me to overcome your pet care challenges and concerns?
Do you feel you gained a good amount knowledge & skills during our time working together in order to improve your pet's health and well-being? Please explain:
What was your biggest success or achievement while working with Happy Trails Pets.
What is one thing you loved most about working with me?
Do you feel like our time together was sufficient?
What is one thing you'd like to see improved with HTP services?
Is there anything you wish I had done differently?
Please rate the following: 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest.
On-going support
Value provided
Onboarding and ease of software use
How likely would you be to recommend HTP services or blog to other pet owners?
Not at all likely
Very likely!
Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with services/ results:
Please leave a few sentences to a short paragraph about our time working together that would help to bring encouragement to other pet owners. This may include the initial challenges you faced with your dog or cat and what progress was made to overcome them. How have things been since you completed a program or consultation with HTP?

*This may be used for marketing purposes as described below.
Terms & Agreement
Upon agreement to a Testimonial release, my information will be disclosed for advertising and/or marketing purposes. This includes my first name and last initial. No other personal identifying information will be released. (if any media is used such as pictures, or video of my pets: I agree to sign a a full Media Release Form).

I acknowledge that HAPPY TRAILS PETS, LLC,  its STAFF, OWNERS, AND AGENTS are under no obligation to provide compensation to the Testimonial provider, pet owner, their family, or any third parties with the use of any given and/ released Testimonial. Testimonial released to HAPPY TRAILS PETS, LLC its STAFF, OWNERS, AND AGENTS may be used for various purposes in part or in whole with full ownership and usage rights.

Uses include, but are not limited to: HTP website pages and blog posts, displays, social media post / advertising, brochures, flyers, email campaigns, case study presentations, etc.
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