Hide a MineCache!
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Enter your Minecraft Username *
We'll send you some mail confirming that you hid this cache, so make sure this is you!
Please check the following. *
Please enter the EXACT Minecraft coordinates of your geocache. Use /coords *
This is used for verification, and not shown to the public.
Please now enter the coordinates you want to direct people to start at. *
It MUST be within 50 blocks in the X and Z direction, and 20 blocks in the Y direction. This will be shown to the public.
What is the nearest major station to the cache? *
e.g. M26
Give your MineCache a name! *
Enter a short description of your MineCache. *
You can include history of the area, or whatever you like. We allow you to promote MRT businesses in your description, but be reasonable.
Give us a hint on how to find your cache. *
How hard is it to find your MineCache? *
Very easy
Very hard
Tick the properties that apply to your MineCache
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