The Work Survey
My name is Larry Maguire, Work & Org Psychologist (more about me and my work here) and I created The Work Survey to gather data about how people globally feel about their daily work. The content you provide for this survey is confidential. It will not be shared with third parties and no personally identifiable information be published. However, quotes and general findings will be used in the forthcoming book "The Paradox of Work" (working title). Your responses will also help direct the content on The Sunday Letters Journal and the Peak community. This survey is run by Larry Maguire TA Larry G. Maguire Human Performance (that's me), it adheres to GDPR regulations 1988 and 2003 Data Protection Acts, and is in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. Participants who include their email address will receive a free digital copy of the book when published (but you don't need to if you don't want to). Thanks for taking part.
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What's your email address?
Optional - add your email if you would like to receive a free digital copy of the book and the results of this survey.
What's your gender *
What's your age bracket *
In what country do you live? *
What's Your Profession? *
Rather than your title or position, what's your profession? (Plumber, nurse, lawyer, dentist etc)
How satisfied are you with your work/job/career? *
Totally dissatisfied
Completely satisfied
What's the nature of your employment? *
What work do you do and how does it make you feel? *
Give as much detail as you can and write as much as you want.
Why do you work? *
What's the meaning of work for you, the reason you get up in the morning an go to your job?
Do you think your work makes a difference in the world? *
Tell me if you think your makes a valuable contribution to humanity and the well-being of others
If you didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time? *
Think what you'd do if a wealthy uncle left you all the money you needed to live comfortably. How would you spend your time?
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