Conservation Team Leader Interest Form
This application is for individuals interested in becoming a Conservation Team Leader (CTL) to help lead habitat restoration efforts in Mission Bay. San Diego Audubon is looking for enthusiastic participants to learn more about conservation efforts for the California Least Tern, share this knowledge with other volunteers, and provide support to SDAS staff during habitat restoration events. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in on-the-ground wildlife conservation, bolster your resume, and make contacts in the environmental field!

CTLs must commit to attending at least five restoration events that we will host between September and December. The event calendar will available on the SDAS website ( and we will be sending out a separate spreadsheet to sign up for specific events. While we would like our CTLs to have some background in biology, conservation, or the environment, there are no specific experience requirements for the program. All those eager to learn and share a passion for our work are encouraged to apply!

About CTLs:
CTLs are trained volunteers who lead other volunteers in the field at community restoration events and assist SDAS staff in conducting vegetation monitoring. CTLs participate in a 2 hour Zoom training (Thursday, September 14th at 5 PM) and commit to attending at least five restoration events during the fall season. There will be an additional, optional training on September 16th in the field. At the events, CTLs help with set up, check in, leading small groups (5–20 people) in the field, and clean up. This is a great way to really dig into some serious conservation work and see the process of prepping the nesting sites throughout the season.
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What is your name?
What is your email address?
Why would you like to be a Conservation Team Leader (CTL?)
What experience do you have that would make you a good fit for this program? (Note that no experience is necessary and you will receive all needed training. We would simply like to know the different skills/experiences/abilities different CTLs can bring to the program.)
How did you hear about this opportunity?
Would you like to be added to our mailing list to keep updated on all things San Diego Audubon?
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