Adoption Application for CAT - iAdopt Chennai
iAdopt is a registered non-profit animal rescue and adoption agency based in Chennai. This is part of our pre-adoption formalities. Kindly fill in the details below to help us understand your requirement.
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Correo *
Name of the cat you would like to adopt *
(as mentioned in the post)
Personal and Address Information
Your full name *
Age *
Your current profession? *
Phone Number *
Which area in Chennai do you live in? *
Do you stay in an apartment or an individual house? *
Whether you are living in an own house or rented premises? *
If your home is rented, do you have your landlord's permission to have a pet? *
Has every member of your family given their agreement to adopt a pet? *
Please give us details of who lives with you at home & your relationship with them. *
For example, Friends or Family - with their details
Have you ever raised a pet/ are currently raising a pet? *
If yes, please tell us a little bit more about them.
Where will the cat be raised? *
Is your house cat-proofed? *
Will the pet have to be alone at home during the day? If yes, how many hours in a day? *
Are you willing to spend for the one time expense of sterilization of the cat? *
Sterilization is the birth control surgery.
What diet would your cat be on? *
Who will be the primary caretaker? *
From where did you hear about iAdopt? *
Anything else you wish to add *
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