British University of Muggle Studies (B.U.M.S)
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Your AO3/AFF Username
Please include if you want to be credited!
Character Name *
Gender *
Age *
Must be 18-25
Birthday *
Blood status *
Appearance *
Written description or face claim. Must be human, can be any race, and must somewhat fit within the realm of reality.
Background *
No canon characters, children of canon characters, secret siblings of canon characters, etc. Why is the character interested in muggle studies and how does their family feel about this? Anything else you feel is necessary?
Personality *
Please try to avoid cliches! Not saying we necessarily need a dumb Ravenclaw or a mean Hufflepuff, but try to give them some depth.
Fashion style
Include normal (in the Wizarding world) and in the Muggle world
Anything that adds to your character that doesn't fit into the other questions.
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