Adult & Teens Greek Language School Registration Form 2024-2025
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Adult Greek Language School for the NYS Tri-City Greek Orthodox Churches - School Year 2024-2025
Adult Greek Language School                                                                        
Teacher: George M. Cotzas, Tel: (518) 289-5637

•     The Adult Greek Language School, via Zoom, accepts students through the NYS Capital District Greek Orthodox Churches. Students may register through St. George – Schenectady, St. Sophia – Albany, or St. Basil – Troy. Registration is open to all who are interested regardless of their location since all instruction is held via online Zoom lessons.
Maximum number of students: 30.

•     Tuition: $300 per student. This includes the textbook for the first time a student takes any of the classes. The book is ‘Modern Greek’ 8th Edition, by Th. Papaloizos.

•     Instruction will be provided for three levels of student proficiency: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, one hour for each level, once a week. Three is the minimum required number of students per level, for a level to be offered. Said in another way, 9 is the minimum student number for all three levels to be offered in a given year.

•     Students canceling their registration before the 3rd session, will get a full tuition refund. There will be no refunds for a cancellation after the 3rd session of the school year.

•     Classes will be held every Wednesday, starting at 5:00 pm for the Beginner Level, 6:00 for the Intermediate, and 7:00 pm for the Advanced Level.

•     The school year begins on Wednesday right after Labor Day, it comprises 30 sessions and ends before mid-May.

•     No classes will be held during the Holy Weeks of the Orthodox and Catholic/Protestant Churches, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and the time period between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Class Type *
Student's Full Name *
Highest Education Level *
Number of Years Enrolled in Greek School *
Student's knowledge of the Greek Language. *
Telephone *
Street Address *
City, State & Zip Code *
Student's Email (gmail if possible) *
Emergency Contact Name & Telephone *
Form of Payment *
Amount Paid at time of Registration *
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