Cycle Against Suicide Schools' Programme 'HEADSTRONG'
The quiz will not complete should any questions remain unattempted.
Number of questions: 12
Has no time limit.
Number of attempts allowed: 1
Must be finished in one sitting. You cannot save and finish later.
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What is stress? *
1 Punkt
Stress is something adults deal with. As a young person, it does not affect me *
1 Punkt
All kinds of stress are bad, and you should never feel stressed. *
1 Punkt
Which of the following is a symptom of stress? *
1 Punkt
Prolonged stress can cause problems that affect your heart, immune system or even your brain function. *
1 Punkt
Which of the following is a good way to cope with stress? *
1 Punkt
Ella has been having a lot of conflict with her family in recent times. She is also preparing for exams and is worried she may not do well enough to go to the Arts college she wants. All of this is causing her to feel stressed. Her friend Sam says she should try smoking cigarettes to relieve stress. Why is this a bad idea? *
1 Punkt
Have you ever been stressed? How did you handle it? *
1 Punkt
Only people who are super-sensitive feel stress. *
1 Punkt
Coping strategies can help us deal with stress but may not eliminate stress altogether. *
1 Punkt
Diet, exercise and sufficient sleep are all important ways to cope with stress. What other behaviours can help you cope with stress? *
1 Punkt
When the stress response becomes prolonged it is said to be __________: *
1 Punkt
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