IHPME Student-Led Panel Series: Transdisciplinary Collaboration to Support System Change
This student-led panel series hopes to offer a dedicated space that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and system thinking. Given the impact that COVID-19 has had, it is more important now than ever that as clinicians, administrators, policymakers and researchers we are able to work collaboratively, discuss ethically complex or challenging situations with respect and ultimately work to promote a health system that is better prepared, more equitable and protects both people and our planet. If you are interested in forming a panel, please complete the following form to submit your plenary session and panelist information. We will be selecting 3 panels over the month of January 2022 to begin presentations in February 2022.
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What is the TITLE of your proposed panel? *
Please briefly explain the format of your panel (e.g., moderated Q&A, presentations followed by Q&A, etc.) (100-150 words) *
Please explain the topic or unifying theme of your panel. Be sure to elaborate on how this topic or theme is relevant to health system change (100-150 words) *
Please elaborate on how your panel exemplifies transdisciplinary collaboration (100-150 words) *
Please describe how you will incorporate theory, application, and policy/practice implications into your panel (150-200 words) *
Please provide the name and pronouns of your first panelist *
Please provide the bio of your first panelist (200 words max) *
Please provide the name and pronouns of your second panelist *
Please provide the bio of your second panelist (200 words max) *
Please provide the name and pronouns of your third panelist
Please provide the bio of your third panelist (200 words max)
Please provide the name and pronouns of your fourth panelist (if applicable)
Please provide the bio of your fourth panelist (if applicable, 200 words max)
Please provide the name and pronouns of the moderator *
Please provide the bio of your moderator (Max 200 words) *
Please advise your preferred presentation date. You may select more than one. *
Any additional comments? (Max 100 words)
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