East Park Camp Registration Waitlist
Please complete the following form if the desired camp session and week is sold out. You will be notified by one of our East Park staff members if an available spot opens up. If contacted, you will have 24 hours to respond back before the spot is given to the next camper on the waitlist. Please note, by submitting this form, it does not guarantee a spot into the East Park camp. You will be contacted if a spot has been made available for your child. For any questions, please email info@eastparkgolf.com.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
I understand this is not a registration form and that I should only be filling this out only if my desired camp session and week are full on the online store (www.eastparkgolf.com/store). *
First & Last Name (Parent/Guardian) *
Phone Number *
First & Last Name (First Child) *
Age (First Child) *
First & Last Name (Second Child - if applicable)
Age (Second Child - if applicable)
First & Last Name (Third Child - if applicable)
Age (Third Child - if applicable)
Please select the desired camp (for all applicable children - if different, please fill out the form separately) *
Effacer le formulaire
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