Life Feedback for Rhys!
First off, THANK YOU for doing this! I value our relationship, think you understand me, and trust your intuitions for continuing to help me grow.

I have two main goals with the questions that follow. For you to help me:
1. Understand who I am now. I do a lot of thinking about this *myself*, but I would love to get your take!
2. Explore actions I should take in the future.

I'd truly appreciate it if you pushed for deeply candid/honest responses. Don't hold back with your love or critical feedback!

Also, let me know if I can help you in any way! I'm more than happy to answer these questions for you (or somethin' else). Thanks!
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What is your name? *
Imagine you were trying to set me up for an arranged marriage 🙂. How would you describe me? What are my best attributes? What should they watch out for?
What’s easy for me to do but hard for others? What would it look like for me to take most advantage of my unique strengths?
What are my weaknesses? My blind spots? My self-limiting beliefs? What am I missing? What am I not aware of but should be?
What are my biggest challenges and opportunities?
When am I my most happy/frustrated?
I often describe myself as "hyper curious, intentional, abstract, generative, enthusiastic, ambitious, and caring". Is that accurate? What should be added/removed from that list?
What should be my 2020 New Years Resolution?
2017: Read a non-fiction book a week. 2018: Be more physical, emotional, and spiritual. 2019: Understand my strengths and weaknesses more.
What kind of person would be a great "romantic life partner" for me? What qualities should I look for or stay away from?
Professionally speaking, what does a "dream future" look like for me? What crazy goals should I pursue? 5, 10, 25, and 50 years out, what does a "super successful Rhys" look like? How would you measure that?
How am I doing in *our* relationship? What have I done well and what could I do better? Is there something I should do more of in the future?
Since we first met, how have I changed? How should I change in the future?
Anything else? Closing thoughts? What questions did I forget to ask? Questions, comments, etc.?
If you'd like to see how I currently understand myself, see my "How to Work With Me" doc here:
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