Time: Monday-Thursday 10AM-12PM (3 session options available - see below)
Location: TBA (Will contact you with location details) 

Contact Information:
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Parent #1- First/Last Name *
Parent #2 - First/Last Name
Email *
Phone *
Camper Information:
Please provide first and last name, age, and any relevant information about your child. (allergies, special accommodations, schedule changes, etc)
Additional Campers
Please provide first and last name, age, and any relevant information about your child. (allergies, special accommodations, schedule changes, etc)
Additional Campers
Please provide first and last name, age, and any relevant information about your child. (allergies, special accommodations, schedule changes, etc)
Which session are you planning to attend?  *
Did your camper attend our art camp last year?  *
How did you hear about Ryleigh Rooster's Summer Art Camp?  *
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