2024-25 NBC Naturalist Training Diversity Scholarship Application
Thank you for your interest in our Naturalist Training Diversity Scholarship for 2024-2025!

Newport Bay Conservancy (NBC) is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of the Upper Newport Bay. The cornerstone of our educational mission is the Naturalist course offered annually, which features classes and field trips led by experts in ecology, marine life, geology, Indigenous peoples, and many other topics.

NBC is pleased to offer four scholarships to people from diverse groups in support of their participation in the 2024-2025 Naturalist Training. The scholarships will be in the amount of $250 or more (plus a waiver of the $35 fee) with no specific parameters on how the funds will be spent.

To be considered for this scholarship, please submit this application. The selection committee includes members of the Board and Staff of NBC, including a representative of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.


Recipients are expected to participate in Fall 2024 lectures and field trips and Spring 2025 skills building and practice activities as they are set out for all participants. This year's full Course Requirements and Tentative Schedule is available HERE.

Scholarship recipients will be notified within the first week of September. Funds will be distributed by the end of the second week.

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Email *
Full Name *
Please type your name here exactly as you wish it to be printed on your Naturalist name badge that you will receive upon completion of the course.
Cell Phone Number *
Your responses to the following questions will be used to select this year's scholarship recipients.

Successful candidates will be those who make a strong case for their interest in studying the Back Bay and in enhancing the experiences of diverse communities in the natural world.
Diverse Group Membership *
Please provide a self-statement of membership in a diverse group. By “diverse” we mean people in under-represented groups along lines of race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, or gender/sexuality identification. (100-250 words)
Statement of Interest *
Please provide a statement of interest in nature, ecology, and the environment, including why you want to take the Newport Bay Conservancy Naturalist Training Course. (100-250 words)
Financial Need (optional)
If your financial need exceeds $250, we encourage you to submit a financial need request here. Relevant categories of need include but are not limited to expenses such as baby-sitting and transportation.
Course Expectations
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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