Lucky Paws Doghouse, Inc Dog Adoption Form
Tishomingo, Oklahoma
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***Incomplete Applications Will NOT Be Processed, Please Make Sure You Answer All Questions***
Today's Date: *
Animal's Name:
Applicant's Name: *
Address: Street, City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number:  *
Occupation:  *
Work Phone Number:  *
Do You Live In:  *
Do You: *
If you rent, do you have their permission to have pets? Please provide the landlord's name and phone number:  *
Do you have any children under 10? If so, please tell us how many and their ages. Some dogs are great with kids, other dogs need to be in homes with no young kids. *
Do you have a yard? *
If so, is the yard fenced in?
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Height of Fence, Type, and Are the Gates Locked?
Do you have other animals in the home? 
If so, what type (cat, dog, etc), how many animals, and are they spayed and neutered? Vaccinated?
If you already have a vet for current or previous pets, please provide their name and phone number: *
How much time do you expect the animal to be outdoors? *
How much time do you expect the animal to be indoors? *
About how much time will the animal be left alone and where will they be kept when left alone?
Where will the animal sleep? *
Why do you want this animal? You can select multiple answers:  *
**Please read the following statements and indicate your answer**
Pets are an investment of your time and energy. Can you afford to provide medical care, grooming, proper diet, proper shelter, and exercise for your new pet? *
Do you understand that animal cruelty/neglect is a FELONY in Oklahoma and animal control reserves the right to take custody of the dog if it is not receiving proper care? *
Do you understand that proof of rabies vaccination must be provided to Tishomingo City Hall and a fee of $25 to license the dog and that both tags must be displayed on collars at all times? (This applies if you live within Tishomingo City Limits)
Do you understand that this animal cannot be permitted to roam around "at large" within city limits and must be kept contained to your property unless on a leash accompanied by you as per the city's leash law? *
If your animal were injured or ill, are you committed to take them to the vet? *
Are you able to make a long term commitment to care for this animal for its entire lifespan, which could be as long as 10-20 years? *
Under what circumstances would you not be able to keep this animal? *
Please type your name and date: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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