HSCA Employment Application
Please specify on your application what position(s) you are seeking and qualified for. We will contact you if your desired position becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact the school.

The possible positions for employment are listed below:
Pre-K through 12th-grade teachers
Substitute teachers
Cleaning/janitorial staff
Coaching staff
Office staff
Volunteer opportunities in the school cafeteria
Volunteer opportunities at sporting events

High Street Christian Academy
7399 N High Street
Columbus, OH 43235
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Personal Information:
Full legal name (first, middle, and last): *
Cell phone number: *
Email address: *
Home address: *
Age and date of birth: *
Are you eligible to work in the United States? *
List of position(s) or grade level(s) applying for in order of preference: *
Are you looking for part time or full time? *
Is there a certain pay range you are looking for? *
Date available to begin employment: *
How did you hear about High Street Christian Academy? *
Academic Information:
What is your level of education? *
What was your major? And where did you attend college? *
List any certifications you've received: (email copies of your certificates to the school)
Employment History:
Please list any previous schools you worked at and include your position, years worked there, and the school's contact information: *
Please list any other recent employment, if different from above: *
What is your reason for leaving your current/most recent job? *
Please list three professional references, their phone numbers, and emails: *
Please list any other professional or personal information you would like us to know:
Do you have any limitations or disabilities, which may affect your ability to perform in the position for which you are applying? If yes, please explain. *
Spiritual Information:
What church do you attend? *
How often do you attend church? *
Do you participate in any ministries of the church? If yes, please list which ones.
Explain when and how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior: *
Describe your personal relationship with the Lord: *
Why are you seeking a position at High Street Christian Academy? *
Why do you think Christian Schools are important? How are they different from public schools? *
Briefly describe your philosophy of education and philosophy on discipline: *
Job Application Certification and Agreement:
I certify the answers given herein are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

I authorize High Street Christian Academy to do such investigation and inquiries of my person, employment, financial, or medical history and other related matters that may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision.

In the event of employment, I understand that I am required to abide by all policies, procedures, and regulations of High Street Christian Academy and High Street Baptist Church.

I understand all applicants are subject to criminal background check and federal fingerprints upon hire.

High Street Christian Academy is open to qualified individuals who are Christians of good character, without regard of reference to race, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, age, or disability. High Street Christian Academy is a religious educational ministry of High Street Baptist Church. All current and prospective employees must agree with the High Street Christian Academy staff handbook, and they must be willing to conduct their lives in conformity with the school’s statement of faith.

Application's Signature: *
Date: *
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