Infant Baptism Registration at Visitation for children 0-6 years old.
Thank you for choosing to baptize your child into the Catholic Church! The Sacrament of Baptism is the beginning of our journey in faith as followers of Jesus and members of his Church. As the first of the three sacraments of initiation, baptism cleanses us from the stain of sin and welcomes us (at any age) into the Body of Christ we call "the Church."  As Catholic Christians, we welcome the baptism of children as infants. The information on this form is used for scheduling purposes and recording the Sacrament in our parish records. Therefore, we require this form before any date can be confirmed. Parents baptizing a child for the first time are to complete a preparation class prior to the child's baptism.
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Please watch this short video from Pope Francis on the Meaning of Infant Baptism.
Baptism is an Initiation into a Community of Believers. Are you parishioners at Visitation Church? *
If you do NOT live within the parish boundaries AND are not a Vis parishioner, our bishop requires that you provide a "letter of consent" from your neighborhood Catholic parish BEFORE your child's baptism. Would you like Vis to help you with this?
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Baptism Preparation Requirement
If this is your first child to be baptized, parents will need to complete Baptism Preparation. Baptism preparation at Vis. consists of 1 initial visit/phone call and 1 class. Classes occur in alternating months on a Sunday afternoon from 3 - 5pm. Please plan accordingly to complete the class prior to your desired baptism date.
Is this your first child to be baptized? *
If preparation is needed, which upcoming month do you plan to attend class?
REQUESTED Date of Baptism *
Please indicate your first choice of date (Saturday or Sunday) for your child's baptism. We will do our best to accommodate your preference. Each baptism date/time may have up to two babies or two families baptizing at the same time. PLEASE NOTE that the Visitation community chooses not to schedule baptisms during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
REQUESTED Time of Baptism
Baptisms DURING MASS are offered twice/month (Sat. @ 4pm; Sun. @ 10:30am). Baptisms AFTER MASS are scheduled any weekend on Saturdays at 5:00 PM and Sundays at 9:00 AM.
Child's/Parents' Address (street number, city/st, zip) *
Primary Contact Information (phone or email) *
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