Registration to STARTERtartu 2022 SPRING
The STARTER program will start again with an Idea Hackathon on February 17th at 16:00 at the UT Delta Centre room 1037!
Covid-19 requirements:
To participate you have to wear a mask and have the COVID Certificate and if you have any symptoms please stay at home!
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
First name: *
Last name: *
E-mail address: *
Educational institution: *
Speciality: *
Do you have an idea/team already? *
If you have an idea/team then write a short description about it!
Press "send" and we'll see you at the Hackathon on February 17th at 16:00!
STARTERProgrammi toetab Euroopa Sotsiaalfond.
Olen teadlik ja annan oma nõusoleku järgmises:
1. Osalen avalikul üritusel, mida pildistatakse ja filmitakse.
2. Pildi- ja videomaterjali võidakse kasutada turunduslikel eesmärkidel programmi teavituses.
3. Kogutavaid andmeid kasutatakse ettevõtlusõppe programmi Edu ja Tegu partnerite poolt osalejate statistika ja tagasiside kogumise eesmärgil.

STARTERtartu programme is funded by the European Social Fund.
I am aware and I give my permission to:
1. Take pictures of me at the public event.
2. Use the pictures and videos for marketing purposes in the programme communications.
3. Use my information for entrepreneurship programme Edu ja Tegu participants statistics and feedback.
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