GBU17 Women Player Application Form
Please use this form to apply for trials for the GBU17 2024 Womens Squad.

Information about trials can be found here:

Application Deadline has been extended to 11:59pm on 24th November
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Player Name *
Date of Birth *
Player Email Address *
Player Contact Number *
Home Address (including postcode) *
Do you suffer from any health related issues either visible or not that you feel the coaches/manager needs to be aware of?
To help us coach and manage to the best of our ability, it’s helpful to know of any Special Educational Needs requirements you have 
(e.g. dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, colour-blindness, hearing aids, or anything else you might want us to know) and any adaptations we could make to help you access our trials and training sessions.
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Number *
Emergency Contact's Relationship to Player *
How many years have you been playing Ultimate? *
What is your preferred playing position? *
Do you currently have a gym membership?
What ultimate training sessions do you currently access on a weekly basis? How does this change throughout the season?  
(E.g. “I train with my school once per week and go to a ___ club session once per week. In February this increases to 2 club sessions per week.”) Please include the name of the club team you train with.
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