LinkUp Network Event Registration

Hey there, Trailblazers!

Are you an entrepreneur, small business owner, consultant or coach looking to connect with other like minded people who can support and connect you to other opportunities? 

What's the Buzz?
You'll join a weekly LinkUp Network where local and international entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants and small business owners meet up to connect, share, learn and support you. This is not an awaked introduction to strangers - the virtual event is set up to allow you to connect on a one-on-one environment where you feel comfortable to talk and connect with new people. You'll have a dedicated topic point to discuss at each session so you not scrambling around trying to think of something to say. 

Who's the Event For?
Calling all go-getters, visionaries, and spirited business owners — yes, that means you! If you wear multiple hats and occasionally find yourself working alone or with a team that you already know and want to broaden your net worth - guess what you'll be in good company.

Event Timing: 
Every Thursday at either 13:00 - 14h15 or 18:00 - 19h15 South African Standard Time (SAST).

Event Address: 
Exclusively online for a virtual networking experience.

Who's Invited?
Entrepreneurs, small business owners, coaches, consultants, and spiritual coaches.


Each session is a delightful one-hour fifteen minutes gathering. (No boring or yawning long winded sessions allowed!). These sessions are free, so make sure to register because space is limited. 

What to Expect:
This isn't your typical 'introduce yourself' networking event! It's a coffee date session designed for meaningful personable connections. You'll find prompt topics to discuss in breakaway rooms with a small group of like-minded individuals — entrepreneurs, small business owners, coaches, consultants, or spiritual coaches.

How to Prepare:
Mindset Matters: Come with an open mind ready for insightful conversations.
Introduction: Feel free to share a brief introduction highlighting how you can contribute and support others.
Tools of the Trade: Grab a pen and notebook to jot down awesome techy brand or marketing tools, names and valuable insights shared by fellow participants.

You'll start with registering yourself on the LinkUp Network. You're email will then be added to my email list, where you'll begin receiving emails about each of the weekly networking sessions. I can't wait to welcome you to a session filled with collaboration, inspiration, and connections that go beyond the ordinary. 

See you there! 

Lucille Divine
Brand & Digital Maverick

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