2025 ROTARYFEST Vendor Application Form
Thank you for your interest in ROTARYFEST, The Sault's Summer Festival! This year's event will take place Thursday, July 17 to Saturday, July 19 in Clergue Park.

If you are interested in becoming a vendor, please fill out the application below. Please note that completing this application does NOT guarantee you a vendor spot. Rotary retains the right to limit the number of vendors selling the same product and/or that conflict with exclusivity held by already established vendors.

After submitting an application, a member from our team will be in contact with you. If your application is approved, payment arrangements will be made at that time and will be due upon invoice. You will be contacted if we cannot grant you the space you applied for. You will be given the option of withdrawing your application for participation, being placed on a waiting list to await a possibility of a space becoming available, or accepting the booth space that is available at that time.
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Vendor Map
Please note that our vendor map has been updated from past years. The south side of "Rib Row" (Ken Danby Way) is exclusively for food vendors serving made-to-order food items. Please refer to the map below when selecting the vendor area you are applying for.
Set up: 
Thursday, July 17, 2025   8:00 am – 11:30 am ONLY. Vendor must be set up prior to noon. 
Wednesday set up may be available with prior approval only. 

Take down: 
Take down to occur between Saturday, July 19, 2025 after 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, July 20, 2025 by 9:00 a.m.. 

Minimum operating hours: 
Thursday, July 17 and Friday, July 18 and Saturday, July 19:  noon-7 pm
Important Information
All vendors will be supplied space according to fee structure below. Vendors must supply their own covering. If you have a self-contained unit, it must be pre-approved. A “self-contained unit” is defined as:  a unit, which has been inspected, pre-approved by the building inspector, to supply or sell specified merchandise or product. The said unit must be portable and equipped with all required appliances (with proof of code approval). 

Neither water nor hydro is available. 
  • No direct solicitation, accosting or public disturbances. 
  • No annoyance of spectators or other participants. 
  • No distribution of literature except from a booth. 
  • No electronic amplification from a booth or table. 
  • You are responsible for the removal of litter or cost of removal of litter caused by your booth. 
  • Exhibitors must exhibit within contracted space. 
  • Tents and structures must meet building codes/fire regulations. 
  • All goods sold must be family-oriented – the Rotary Club has the right to ask vendor to remove any or all items of questionable nature (to be decided by the Rotary Club representative). 
  • Security is the responsibility of the vendor. 
  • The exhibitor is responsible for any damage caused to ROTARYFEST premises as a result of operation and display of the exhibit. Cancellations after July 2, 2025 will result in loss of 50% of fees.
Vendor Fees
South Vendor Zone
Handmade Product
All products sold must have been handmade by the vendor. If you are applying for an "information" booth, choose this option.
10’ x 10’         $175.00
10’ x 20’         $350.00

Manufactured Product
For vendors selling products that are not handmade. This includes projects that were ordered for resale, even if the design is unique to the vendor.
10’ x 10’         $250.00
10’ x 20’         $500.00

Premium Vendor Zone
Handmade Product
All products sold must have been handmade by the vendor. If you are applying for an "information" booth, choose this option.
10’ x 10’         $300.00
10’ x 20’         $550.00
10' x 30'         $750.00
10 x 40'         $1,000.00

Manufactured Product
For vendors selling products that are not handmade. This includes projects that were ordered for resale, even if the design is unique to the vendor.
10’ x 10’         $350.00
10’ x 20’         $650.00
10' x 30'         $900.00
10 x 40'         $1,100.00

Food Vendor Zone
To apply to be in the Food Vendor Zone, please contact our Events Manager directly at nilah@rotarysault.com
Vendor zone: *
Type of product: *
Size of booth: *
Business name: *
Contact name: *
Mailing address: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Website/social media: *
Describe your product in detail: *
Additional notes: *
Please carefully read and agree to both terms before submitting. *
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