Recruitment form for "Me, myself and I" course 2024
A 5-day course devoted to the topic of self-care where you get to prioritize YOU.
During the course you will 
  • Learn various perspectives on self-care 
  • Understand better your emotions 
  • Get more skilful in noticing your levels of energy, stress and emotions 
  • Experience and practice different tools and methods helpful in taking care of your mind and body 
Course fee - 400 EUR.
Accommodation and boaring is self paid and might be supported with the information by the sTOP office if needed :) 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name and surname *
Choose a date: *
Country of residence *
Organisation (enter the name of the organisation if you represent or are associated with it)
English Language level *
You can use Common European Framework of Reference self-assesment grid:
Why do you want to participate in this course? *
What groups do you work with on a daily basis? *
What topics do you teach / train them? *
Questions or additional information:
Including information on disability needs.
Would you like to join Whatsapp group shortly before and during the course?
I have an Erasmus+ grant to cover my participation in the course.
Write the data (to whom) we shall issue the invoice and whether there shall be any specific information included.
I agree to receive information about upcoming courses from sTOP.
I hereby agree to the processing of my personal data for registration and participation in the course organized by NGO Trainers' Association (sTOP) in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. The data administrator is the Stowarzyszenie Trenerskie Organizacji Pozarządowych (NGO Trainers Association - sTOP) based in Warsaw 00-040, ul. Warecka 4/6. Providing data is voluntary. I have the right to request access to data and rectification, deletion, processing restrictions, withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data, as well as the right to transfer personal data, raise objections to data processing and lodge a complaint with the supervisory body. *
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