Pan-European theme day - Ethical Digitalization
Address of the event: Nørre Voldgade 82, 3.-4 sal, 1358 København K

We are thrilled to invite members of our Scandinavian sister parties to an important event that will explore the challenges and opportunities of ethical digitalization in the digital age. As we increasingly rely on digital technologies, we must ensure their ethical and responsible use!

Please mark your calendars for our upcoming event on October 14th. The event will take place from 9:00 AM to 6:15 PM (Copenhagen time - CEST) in Copenhagen, Denmark

Please make sure to apply by Sunday, 17 September 2023, to reserve your spot. 

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Date of birth? *
Do you participate? *
Which member organisation are you from? *
Where do you live? *
Would you like to stay overnight from Friday to Saturday? *
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
By which e-mail can we stay in touch? *
Comments or questions
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Applicants consent their data to be transferred to the granting authority of the European Commission under the Portal Privacy Statement within the strictly necessary limits for implementing, managing and monitoring the Agreement. The Portal Privacy Statement is available here. You can always contact for more information or in case of data erasure request.

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) the personal data provided will be used exclusively by LYMEC and VU in order to fulfill its legal obligations under European and Danish law with regards to project administration and accountable public spending.

By signing this form, participants confirm their participation in this event, agree to providing all necessary data and consent to the use of this data exclusively for the before-mentioned purpose. If a participant opts not to provide the data required, participation to the event may be revoked by LYMEC and VU. The participant can at any time notify LYMEC and VU if he/she wants access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of the processing of said data by contacting or

Events organised by European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) may be audio- and video-recorded as well as web-streamed. Videos and pictures taken during the event, contracted by LYMEC, may also be published on the LYMEC website and on related social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.). They may also be used in other media and means of communication in order to pass on information about the event and activities of LYMEC and VU.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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