MI 101 Day 1 Live: Data Extraction and Management
I am interested in your feedback! Please fill out the following anonymous survey. I will use the responses to improve future versions of this workshop.

*Note*: This survey should take about 30 seconds. You will have a chance to give more detailed feedback at the end of the workshop.
Prijava v Google, če želite shraniti napredek. Več o tem
Background: Before this workshop, what was your level of familiarity with the following topics? *
NB. Since this survey is anonymous, I'm going to ask you the same familiarity questions each time. It will be a consistent set of questions, so hopefully this isn't too much to ask!
Not very familiar
A little familiar
Somewhat familiar
Very familiar
Data Extraction
Wrangling & Tidying Data
Data Visualization
Machine Learning
How informative did you find this particular activity? *
Not very informative
Very informative
Which topic from this activity did you find *most* helpful? *
Which topic from this activity did you find *least* helpful? *
Optional: You will get a chance to leave detailed comments at the end of the workshop, but do you have any specific comments on this *particular* activity in the workshop?
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