2025 Area 2 Promotional Club Membership Form
Individual $35.00     Family $45.00 (includes all children under 18 years)
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Email *
Name *
Address *
Phone number *
List Names and Birthdates of Youth Members
(a family membership is for immediate family members only - mother, father, children).  If you have an individual membership and the horse you are showing is in your mom, dad, sister or brother's name they must also have a membership in Area 2 for year end points to count.
Area 2 Boundaries - you must be a resident of Area 2 to be a member
From the eastern boundary of Area 1 (which is Hwy 4 from Lake Erie north to Hwy 8 northwest along Hwy 8 to Lake Huron, excluding the City of London).  Hwy 6 from the north boundary of Owen Sound and south to Lake Ontario.  All addresses west and southeast of Hwy 6 will be considered to be in Area 2.  The Queen Elizabeth Way south of Hamilton and easterly encompassing the Niagara Peninsula.  The city of Guelph and all addresses therein shall be included in Area 2
Area 2 Promotional Club assumes no responsibility in case of loss or damage to persons, horses or personal property from any cause and upon this condition only are memberships accepted.  
By submitting this form you agree to the above terms and conditions.
Memberships payable by:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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