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Working together, in collaboration, we can develop a strong and effective visual identity that truly represents your brand, business, or organization to help you achieve your goals and attain success.

The iQI Roadmapping is a strategic process and plan for building your distinctive visual identity! 

It is where we define and develop your brand. We'll explore your overall vision and create a mood board with a mock visual identity representing your vision. 

The iQI Roadmapping service is $997, with two payment options available. 

Roadmapping saves you time when working as a solopreneur within your current budget. 

The benefit of the roadmap keeps you focused and sets out the most appropriate direction for your brand, business, or organization based on your vision and goals. 

Another benefit of this process is that you can take the information and run with it or move forward together to carry out your visual identity.

Ready? Let's build! 

To serve you better, answer the questions below in detail to get started. Additional questions will follow to complete the strategic roadmap for your brand.

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Let's start with your name? *
So good eMeet you! What's the name of your brand, business, or corporation?
Nice! Can you tell me about the products and services that you offer? *
Great! Describe your solution and provide three keywords to sum it up. *
That's wonderful! Now, what's the biggest challenge for you today? *
What's the best phone number to reach you? *
What's your current email address? *
If there is a specific day you'd like to begin, please let me know. *
How did you hear about me? *
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