Thank you for your interest in showing work as part of Art/Access Lab, co-presented by HCL and Unfolding Disability Futures and in partnership with Experimental Station. Art/Access Labs foster a vibrant disabled artist ecosystem through cross-discipline and cross-impairment professional development activities.
Work in Progress Showings provide artists in the disability community an affinity space to share and discuss developing projects. These gatherings offer a flexible platform for artists to share, test ideas, and develop perspective on their work through community exchange. Artists receive a small honorarium for presenting at at Work In Progress Showing.
Artists are selected on a rolling basis in advance of each Work in Progress Showing. In order to be considered, please complete this form by the following deadlines:
- For the August 6th Work In Progress Showing - Complete by Friday, July 19th
- For the December 10th Work In Progress Showing - Complete by Sunday, October 13th