[IC]  ✦ Swamp Frog Desk Mat 

Greetings! Tris here, the creative responsible for Swamp Frog Desk Mat design. I trust you're having a terrific day! I'm excited to share with you my very first desk mat design concept! I sincerely hope you all like my work; I'd appreciate it if you show some love and support. 

Allow me to introduce you to Pim, a charming little frog, peacefully nestled on his lily pad. Pim is the perfect companion to elevate your battlestation, permeating your typical work day with a touch of whimsy and tranquility. Let Pim remind you not to forget to take a break and find moments of relaxation amidst the hustle and bustle of your hectic day! 🐸

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Most important question: Do you adore frogs like me?!
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