UCLA Pre-Med Community Application
There are no requirements for this club, fill out this form and you're automatically a member!
This application also includes you on our email list - make sure to check it weekly to find our newsblasts, upcoming events, and more! Once you're done with this form, please feel free to visit our linktree to view our Instagram, GroupMe, Discord, website, and more at https://linktr.ee/UCLAPreMedCommunity!
E-mail *
Full Name *
Email *
What year are you at UCLA? *
Pronouns *
Major (and minor(s) if applicable) *
Have you joined our Discord and GroupMe for networking and announcements?
Career Goals? It's okay to say "Not sure yet!"
Briefly let us know what you hope to get out of this community.
Would you like to receive our weekly newsletters? *
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