Tucson Audubon 2023 Birdathon Per Species Pledge Form
You will be contacted after the person, trip, or team you are sponsoring has submitted their count. At that point you may make the actual donation by paying online or by check. The amount will be calculated by multiplying your pledge times the number of bird species they observed on their trip.
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Name of the Participant or Team: *
The Dollar Amount I am pledging per bird species counted (please DO NOT enter a dollar sign):                
$0.00   (for pledges less than $1.00, use this format 0.50)
I am making a Challenge Pledge:
(A CHALLENGE PLEDGE is one driven by your personal interests. Examples: "$1 for every time you see a bird perched on a road sign during Birdathon." or "An extra $5 for every owl you see." You make it up, they will do their best to rack up your pledge donation.)
Custom request or comments:
Have something special to request of the team you're pledging to? Record that or any comments or good luck wishes here.
Your First Name: *
Your Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Address: *
City, State, Zip *
Country: *
Phone Number: *
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