Climate Change Tech Salon on Nov 20th
Thank you for your interest in the next Technology Salon on Can Digital Solutions Reduce Climate Change Impacts?

We are using this quick Google form to better understand applicants relevance to Salon topics.

As we usually have over 70 people applying for the 35 seats at Salons, please pay special attention to the Relevance section so we can confirm the appropriate people for a great event.

If you can't make this Salon, but want to get future invites, please sign up here:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Professional Title *
Organization *
Relevance to the Salon topic *
Please tell us what you've been doing, working on, or thinking about that is relevant to this topic. The more detail the better.
What technology solution do you think holds the most promise for climate change adaptation?
An optional question to help us better design the event
How did you hear about this Tech Salon?
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