SAMS Executive Committee Application 2020
This form is for anyone who is wanting to apply for a position in the SAMS executive committee.
If you wish to be a SAMS member, just send us a message and pay the $5 membership fee.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Full Name *
What is your current degree and major? *
Have you signed up to be SAMS member in 2020 (i.e. paid the membership fee)? *
How many more years have you got left (including current year) at UoA? *
Why would you like to be a part of SAMS? *
 What skills and experience can you bring to the 2020 Exec? *
These are the current available roles. Please tick all that you would like to apply for. *
What do you envision yourself achieving in your selected role(s)? *
Please state your preferred method of contact       E.g mobile, email, Facebook *
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