Expert Match Program Form.
ImpactHER is a non-profit organization that helps African female entrepreneurs scale their businesses into sustainable global enterprises by providing them with skills, market access, technology, and access to capital required for rapid growth. Our newly launched Expert Match Program is aimed at providing industry experts with an opportunity to share in our philanthropy work.

If you work in consulting, finance, manufacturing, technology and are as excited as we are about philanthropy work, please provide us with your details below for a chance to be part of this great cause.  

In recognition of your pro bono efforts, you will be awarded a COVID-19 Hero Certificate at the end of your volunteer engagement.

Kindly select one. *
Part 1. Personal Details.
(If you are completing this form as a company, please also fill the  contact details portion as well)
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Business Website. *
Social Media Handle (if any)
(Country code) (Phone Number). *
Email Address. *
Business Location (City). *
Business Location (Country). *
Part 2: Professional Details.
Industry. *
Kindly state your area of specialization *
Please explain the service you would like to provide
Job Title.
How many years of experience do you have?
Part 3: Commitment.
How long do you want to commit?
Ryd markering
If you chose others, kindly specify.
How many hours/week are you willing to dedicate? *
What channels of communication are most convenient for you to interact with your matched SME? *
If you chose others, kindly specify.
How would you like to volunteer?
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Have you volunteered before?
Ryd markering
Are there other ways you would be interested in working with the female-led SMEs?
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