Restorative Justice Coalition of Oregon - Coordinating Committee Candidate Application
Thank you for your interest in joining RJCO's Coordinating Committee! The purpose of the Coordinating Committee is to:
  1. Administer RJCO operations and logistics, including providing oversight of the Executive Committee;
  2. Coordinate and execute the strategic plan;
  3. Act as a convener and facilitator for the mobilization and engagement of Coalition Members; 
  4. Provide a unified voice at the state level that reflects the wishes of Coalition Members;
  5. Provide leadership where and when requested by Coalition Members; and, 
  6. Make decisions and take actions that reflect the wishes of Coalition Membership.
The term length is three years, beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2027. There is no limit on number of terms. Ballots will be sent to active RJCO members. Candidacy and voting are open only to RJCO Members. To become a member, please visit:

RJCO strives to attract and retain Coordinating Committee members with a diversity of practice areas, background, and geography. To learn more about the current Coordinating Committee, visit: To learn more about the duties of the Coordinating Committee and Subcommittees, please visit:

To apply,  you'll need to supply the following information:
1) Personal Information: Name, Organization, Mailing address, Email address, Phone number
2) Additional information: Area of practice, Personal background, Geography, Reason for applying
3) Eligibility: Affirm RJCO membership, etc.
4) References (2) from your community and/or profession: emailed separately
5) Candidate's photo (optional): emailed separately

If eligible for candidacy, your Name, References, Photo (optional), and Additional Information will appear on the ballot. Answers may be edited slightly for space and clarity.
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