Peer Review Survey #167
Thanks for taking part in our Peer Review survey! Be sure to submit a genuine and family-friendly answer for each question to help ensure for a better game in the future.

Once you've completed this survey, show the next screen to your trivia host and provide them with your team name for 2 bonus points!

ONE more player from each team can take this survey and receive 1 additional point. (Max 3pts)
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Which fictional weapon would you rather keep by your bedside: Lightsaber, Star Trek Phaser, Captain America's Shield
Which video game character's world would be the most fun to live in?
What is a place that you need an ID to enter?
We all know about the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. What is a movie Kevin Bacon is known for?
Which is worse: showing up to a job interview with stained pants or armpit stains?
Fill in the blank:  The thing that excites me most about summer is ____.
If you go to a dentist’s office, what’s one magazine you wouldn’t be too surprised to see in the waiting room?
Name a one word card game.
Abraham Lincoln famously liberated the slave in America. What is another thing you think of when you think of Lincoln?
What is a specific way of entering a swimming pool if you wanted to get noticed?
Name something that gets scooped.
Would you rather run as fast as The Flash or be as strong as Superman?
Name something that might bite you in the rear.
What is a book that people have told you you absolutely MUST read?
Name a popular fictional book released within the last ten years.
Kids find ways to hurt themselves on everything. Name something you never think twice about in your home that you suddenly have to worry about it being dangerous if you have a child.
Would you rather master every musical instrument or every type of sport?
If you got to pick, what’s a profession you would not want your partner to have?
When you're looking for the latest book releases, where (physically or digitally) do you look or shop?
Who is a celebrity that had their biography/ autobiography become a popular read?
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